Fruitarianism: The Path to Paradise: My Experience With Trying to Go Fully Raw from Raw till 4

Hello everyone,

How are you?

I am tinkering with my diet again, trying to be fully raw.

I feel really great being fully raw, but there are a lot of challenges you have to live to understand.

For example:

you buy fruit, and it goes rotten.

You buy a great fruit meal, and it tastes like chemicals, and you’re left fruitless.

The only fruit you want to eat is figs and there are no figs around you.

You buy a jackfruit in the grocery store and are so excited to try it. Then you have to carry it home. (SOOOOO heavy).

Your friends beg you to go out to diner with them. Oh the horror.

It’s tough but it’s worth it.

When I started this last summer, things were a lot more stressful.

Now that I’m giving it a good second attempt, after doing a raw till 4 (not perfect until a couple months ago), things are so much easier.

I now feel like I’ve experienced noticeable enough effects that it is not hard to choose the benefits over the problems of the diet.

Like I have noticeably way more energy.

I usually hate to walk, but when I eat fully raw I don’t mind walking, in fact I enjoy it.

Also looks wise, it’s a dream. You start looking soo good! I love it.

Also you feel so healthy and so connected to summer…you feel so pure, like a juicy ripe peach yourself. Mmmm.

Also when I am fully raw, I enjoy the tastes of salads. And I feel like those minerals in the greens really help me.

But it’s still really a struggle sometimes.

Like today, I was doing great, until I just NEEDED something savory. I couldn’t think, I just ate (luckily high carb low fat vegan still).

That’s a big problem with being fully raw. You have to be prepared or your body will just take over like a zombie and drive you to EAT. But in a way, I have come to respect that. The body won’t let you starve itself. Even for a second. It’s got your back. I appreciate that. I hate the concept of starving yourself to lose weight, especially after so many dieting attempts in my sad dieting past. I don’t want the body to let anyone ever starve themselves again. So I am glad it makes you emotionally eat and all that.

Anyway, I was watching some fruitarian gossip-y reality tv, and The Fruitarian was saying Fruitarianism and Veganism too, because I think Veganism eventually will lead to fruitarianism, —Fruitarianism is the path to paradise.

Because eventually you will leave the city to move to a tropical paradise like Hawaii in search of better quality fruit.

Ever since I became vegan, that’s my dream! I see myself living somewhere by the ocean, being fully raw. I want to help animals too. But I think now fruitarianism is another way you can help animals. When people see how much you can change for the better when we eat our natural diet, which does not include animals, i.e. a vegan diet, they will be amazed and perhaps extremely motivated to become vegan for good.

Maybe we can come at veganism from a different angle…and appeal to people’s vanity and self interest in feeling their best. Then maybe we can hit them with a one two punch with some slaughterhouse footage and seal the deal. I don’t know.

Anyway, just thought I’d give a little update.

Hope you are having a wonderful summer.

I think I am going to go the Woodstock Fruit Festival. Is anyone else thinking of going?


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