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An Interesting Fiesty Comment, “Never Enough” Activism, and the Derailing Technique

Hi guys,

I hope you are having a great holiday wherever you are.

I got a comment today you can read in my Are Vans Vegan? post, that was written in a very feisty way…which I liked…I love comment action…basically saying it’s stupid to buy vegan shoes from companies that are not ethical companies…because “Last I understood (being a Vegan and all), Veganism isn’t about slavishly avoiding animal products only. It’s about not contributing to the suffering of other sentient life in general….”

This commenter was like, you should care about the working conditions of the people in the factories etc etc.

Ok ok, though I never defined vegan that way, but he has an interesting point. It would be cool to be even more careful with what you put your $ towards and make a bigger difference for animals.

It got me on a train of thinking. Reevaluating what I am doing by refusing to wear leather, wool, silk, and eat animal products. Wondering how effective this all is… I wonder whether it makes any difference. I should do more. Or something more effective. Or nothing.

There probably is something more effective I could be doing. But I’m not really sure what.

Some people are doing way more effective things than me…like making films like The Ghosts in the Machine, doing national campaigns and demonstrations like PETA, and other awesome animal orgs.

However, then I thought of this great quote I read on one of my favorite blogs DanceswithFat which has majorly changed my life. (it’s about size acceptance and Health at Every Size. If you are dieting or worrying about your weight, you GOT to check it out. It may change your life too).

She talks about “never enough” activism–a common trap people fall into where you think what you are doing is too minor and not good enough ….she also describes what she calls the derailing technique where people try to convince you that what you are doing isn’t good enough.

Don’t worry if what you are doing is small she says. “It’s nobody’s job to address every problem that exists – none of us can do everything, but everyone who wants to can do something,” she writes.

A lot of little things added up…can make a big difference. Profound, I know.

Don’t feel guilty if you aren’t changing the world in one fell swoop through your actions. If you want to get involved in activism, get involved. Don’t feel the need to be Atlas, supporting the world on your shoulders. A little support, a little help, however much you want to do…is great, is enough. If you want to do more, the more HEROISM to you…

Well she says it so much better than me…so read the quote:

The derailing technique [is something] that people use when they say that you shouldn’t work on this problem because there are other problems… it’s something that happens to almost anyone who tries to make a change in the world or address a problem.  People who do animal rescue are chided that they could be helping people.  People who help starving adults are chided that they could help starving children. As I said in the segment, the fact that there are other problems does not negate the fact that this thing is also a problem.  This is an extension of what I call “never enough” activism – the idea that no matter what you do it will never be good enough. In this version we are told that we shouldn’t try to solve a problem that we are passionate about because there are other, bigger problems in the world.  This goes wrong because if we decide that we are all only going to work on the biggest problem, then what will actually happen is that we will spend all of our time arguing about what the biggest problem is. Also, let’s remember that the “bigger problems” may well be bigger because people were told that they shouldn’t bother to address them when they were small.

I’m telling you this by way of saying that I hope that if you want to get involved with activism you will pick a change, or a problem, that you are passionate about and work on that, whether by leading work or joining work.  I hope that you will not be dissuaded by those who try to tell you that your best isn’t good enough or that your problem isn’t big enough. It’s nobody’s job to address every problem that exists – none of us can do everything, but everyone who wants to can do something.


The Ghosts in Our Machine

film director Liz Marshall and Norman from The Ghosts in Our Machine


Tonight while obsessively “browsing” tumblr, I came across this blog post which was reblogging someone saying “No excuses. Go VEGAN!”. The person who reblogged it had added a huge list of sarcastic reasons why veganism sucks. It had been reblogged like 5000 times.

So many of the reasons were just really missing the point. I hear these kind of reasons for why PETA is evil all the time. Yeah, PETA is not politically correct. They relate the treatment of animals to the Holocaust and Slavery. Yeah, they annoy and offend people in the streets. Yeah, veganism doesn’t respect some cultures’ traditions of  lamb eating or what have you.

What I don’t get is, isn’t it more evil to torture and murder living beings than to offend someone on their way to work?

PETA does good things. So do vegans and vegetarians.

PETA does good things…in bikinis nonetheless

It reminds me of that Kurt Vonnegut letter I posted a while back where he talked about his respect for life.

The respect for LIFE itself is the most important thing.

People understand this when it comes to humans, but not to animals. Throughout the history of western civ, all the philosophers and thinkers have spent so much time thinking about what elevates us from our “animal nature”, how we are unlike animals.

But let’s face it. We ARE like animals. We ARE animals. Every person who has ever loved their pet knows this. I guess more people need to spend more time with animals or something to understand what is so obvious to some…. bacon isn’t “bacon”, you know?? It’s a highly intelligent being.

Amazing documentary


I guess I’m thinking about all this as an introduction to something that I think is going to change a few people’s minds about things.

I’m so excited for it.

It is a film, by director Liz Marshall, called The Ghosts in Our Machine, which follows the amazing animal rights photographer Jo-Anne McArthur as she goes undercover documenting all the ways animals are used and abused by our society.

Isn’t the name Ghosts in Our Machine so powerful. It’s called that after the idea that when our society became more industrialized with big factory farming operations, animals suddenly became invisible in our society, hidden away in these huge factories, with literal killing machines *shudder*, living these lives where nobody really can see what’s going on inside.

Amazing name. Amazing point.

I had been keeping up with this film on their facebook page, but I guess I hadn’t gotten around to seeing their trailer. Or maybe I had seen it, but only after reading all these books about animal issues spurred on by this blog and the amazing commenters on this blog, did it really hit me over the head when I saw it again recently.

The trailer is SO good. The cinematography is beautiful, the music, everything, is like REALLY good.

Also following photographer Jo-Anne McArthur, whose work is so powerful–it’s the perfect angle–as Liz says in the interview, a true David and Goliath story, one woman against the machine, one woman trying to change the world through her art.

Jo-Anne McArthur

Ok so I said it.

I had the HONOR of talking to the director of the film Liz Marshall and asking her a few questions about the film.

I will be posting the interview hopefully by tomorrow for you to listen to. YIKES! I am no Oprah, Ellen or Tyra, but I hope you enjoy it. It was a thrill to talk to the creator of someone doing something so big and important in the extremely important world of animal rights.

I will be keeping you updated on this film, because I can’t wait to see it!!!

In the meantime, watch the trailers… You won’t be disappointed.

Readers, I hope you enjoy, and check out Ghosts in Our Machines website, (they have a lot of cool stuff on their website such as vegan coaching by the way) and their facebook page.

And also HI to all the new readers. I think someone posted my blog to reddit–amazing!!

Whoever did that, thank you. Feel free to like my facebook page where I have been sharing some cool vegan articles, vids, photos and stuff like that from other cool animal-ish orgs.

Ok happy weekend guys!!!