about me

Why You’re Lucky if You’re Fat


You know what’s crazy. When you google raw till 4, or fruitarian before and after…and look in google images, pics of me in a bikini come up.

At first I was kind of embarrassed, but now I’m like, I should post more pics to inspire people.

Not to say that everyone has to lose weight, but I think everyone should know that there is a way to lose weight that:

1. is scientifically proven to be healthier for you and extend your lifespan by 5-10 years (see The China Study)

2. will allow you to never diet again and eat as much as you want and completely crush all feelings of guilt and shame around eating

3. will allow you to become a daily animal rights activist and educate people about the billions of innocent “people” (i.e animal persons) who are enslaved, tortured and murdered behind closed doors.

4. boycotts all animal exploitation companies

5. may allow you to heal certain “incurable” health problems doctors can’t help you with

6. allows you to look like a skinny supermodel if you want that look

Do I look like a supermodel? Well sometimes I feel like I do. I mean, I weigh 145 pounds and I think they weigh like 100 and are 5’11. But I feel overjoyed still when I look in the mirror.

Trust me people, I really was not a naturally thin person. In fact my whole life I felt like the largest person in the room.

Check out this pic of me that someone recently posted on my Facebook from when I was 11. I am the person in the purple.



I always wondered “why me?”

Why was I born the large person.

But you know what, I was lucky.

Who wants to hear how a naturally thin person lost weight? Not me.

I want to hear from someone who was like 500 pounds.

It’s the same with our other problems. The worse are problems are, the more inspiring and believable are methods are when we overcome them. And the more exciting and thrilling the journey is.

I want to hear about the person who was paralyzed with stage fright who became an oscar winning actress.

That kind of thing.

I watched this guy film himself try to get rejected 100 times in 100 days. The first rejection on the first day was the best, cause you could tell how scared he was and how hard it was for him.

So don’t be afraid of your struggle, your problems, your flaws, and weaknesses.

Just know that that’s just adding intensity and suspense to your story. Eventually you will have the best before and after photos of all. And you will be able to teach and inspire people. So that they can have their own thrilling journeys as well.

Ithaca by C.P Cavafy

As you set out for Ithaka
hope the voyage is a long one,
full of adventure, full of discovery.
Laistrygonians and Cyclops,
angry Poseidon—don’t be afraid of them:
you’ll never find things like that on your way
as long as you keep your thoughts raised high,
as long as a rare excitement
stirs your spirit and your body.
Laistrygonians and Cyclops,
wild Poseidon—you won’t encounter them
unless you bring them along inside your soul,
unless your soul sets them up in front of you.

Hope the voyage is a long one.
May there be many a summer morning when,
with what pleasure, what joy,
you come into harbors seen for the first time;
may you stop at Phoenician trading stations
to buy fine things,
mother of pearl and coral, amber and ebony,
sensual perfume of every kind—
as many sensual perfumes as you can;
and may you visit many Egyptian cities
to gather stores of knowledge from their scholars.

Keep Ithaka always in your mind.
Arriving there is what you are destined for.
But do not hurry the journey at all.
Better if it lasts for years,
so you are old by the time you reach the island,
wealthy with all you have gained on the way,
not expecting Ithaka to make you rich.

Ithaka gave you the marvelous journey.
Without her you would not have set out.
She has nothing left to give you now.

And if you find her poor, Ithaka won’t have fooled you.
Wise as you will have become, so full of experience,
you will have understood by then what these Ithakas mean.



The Benefits of Raw till 4: What I’ve Experienced NOT Being 100% Raw Vegan

Hi guys,

So I completed my raw January thanks to this great health coach I hired, Anthea Falkiner. She is really helpful and really smart. I highly recommend her services. Anyway, the raw month was not easy. I was under a lot of stress too and eating raw is a big challenge. But I did it like 95% perfectly.

On one of our last calls I was talking to Anthea about whether I should continue trying to be raw. I was telling her, maybe since I only did it 95% perfect, I need to try again. This time, I will do it perfectly so that I can experience the incredible magic of being 100% raw.

She told me, “I feel like you are looking for this magic cure that will make all your problems go away and you will never be unhappy again”.

Ha. Nailed it.

I have often thought about how it seems like I’m doing that.

I often do extreme things in hopes that it will magically fix some problem I have.

Most things don’t work like magic, but some do.

For example, banana island…was pretty magical. And some books I’ve read have really changed my life.

But anyway, she was like, think of how far you’ve come, think of all the things that you have already gotten from raw food. Think how much your life has improved since you started eating this way.

It made me realize that I’ve already benefitted a huge amount from eating this way, even though I may not be happy and productive  24/7 and experiencing euphoria while looking like a supermodel.

I thought I’d put the list on this blog so I can realize that even without experiencing a constant state of joy and energy and wellbeing, raw food has still given me a lot.

Here’s my list:

1. I’ve overcome my obsession with dieting.

I hate thinking about how I used to think so much about weight. I mean I think about weight a lot now, but it is in a detached way. I used to be hoping and praying and scheming and dreaming about ways that I could lose weight. It occupied so much of my mealtimes. Feeling guilty about eating something I shouldn’t have. Trying to eat less. Starving myself really. Why was I constantly trying to sabotage my own self by making sure I always went hungry?

Now I never restrict my calories. When I am hungry I eat till I am totally full. I don’t worry about doing unhealthy things to lose weight. I trust my weight will go down the more whole unprocessed plants I eat.

It’s just so much better this way. I hate seeing people restricting their calories now, and talking about losing weight (guilty I know). But it just reminds me of how sadly weighed down I used to be with thoughts of weight loss–when I was barking up the completely wrong tree. I was so confused about how to lose weight (longterm…for life), and I think most people are.

I used to read on my fat acceptance blogs that it was a proven fact that 95% of dieters regained all the weight they had lost 2 years later. 2 years later I am the thinnest I have been since one crazy calorie restricted year in high school.


(me as a kid, the large one, next to the dogs)

2. I look a lot better

It’s funny to me how nonchalantly I always say whenever I’ve made youtube videos…”I think I look a lot better” or “I think I look amazing”. But honestly, people, for me, I do. I am amazed because I was always worried that I would decline in looks as I aged, and I wasn’t that high up on the ladder to begin with, if you know what I mean. But amazingly I feel I have reversed aged. I honestly feel I look better at 28 than I have ever looked. And that all began when I started eating a lot of fruit on this lifestyle.

People started telling me all the time: you look like you did in high school, your skin is glowing, you look a lot younger, blah blah blah. I know it sounds unbelievable, but I feel my face has gotten more symmetrical and more feminine somehow. Bananas are a little known beauty secret. Take 10-15 ripe bananas, and call me in the morning. Tell me your face didn’t transform right then and there.


3.  I lost like 20 pounds  

I haven’t weighed myself lately but I am now a size 4 or 6. When I started I was a size 12, and weighed around 160-165.

WOW, people. I argued with so many people about fat acceptance, (which I still support). I told people I was born fat, and I would never lose weight. I had tried so many times and ways. All failed.

Little did I know there was one more way I hadn’t tried which is actually, I believe, the way we are meant to eat and therefore an easy lifestyle to maintain for life, and one that isn’t really a diet, cause you never restrict your calories ever.



me yesterday



some art I made about my weight loss

4. I eat tons of fruits and vegetables every day, and before I barely ate any

I enjoy salads now. I crave fruit. It’s amazing I actually like eating fruits and vegetables now and enjoy being healthy.

5. I feel connected to nature when I eat plants

When I look at fruits and vegetables it is like a small miracle. It grew in this perfect shape, in this vibrant color, such an amazing unique taste, so complex…from a seed in the ground. I don’t know, it’s just beautiful. It reminds me that life is special, beautifully designed, mysterious.

6. I only have one day of light cramps when before I had 3 days of pain

My cramps drastically reduced themselves within 2 weeks of being raw till 4 (I was still eating higher fat cooked vegan stuff at night too). Just eating unripe bananas and oranges basically for breakfast and lunch (before I knew about ripe bananas).

7. I have a new interest in extreme health and alternative healing that has even helped my friends

I sent my friend 80/10/10 and her boyfriend read it. He has diabetes and was interested in a case study in the book of someone who cured their diabetes as a raw vegan. He has gone gung ho raw till 4, and my friend said he has had like a miraculous recovery? I sent him mindful diabetic robby’s youtube page. I feel with this new hobby, if ever any of my family or friends were in need of help healing from some disease doctors couldn’t help them with, I could share with them what I know about healing on a vegan diet. It could save a life.

So yeah, that’s a start.

I am really grateful that I found this way of eating.

Honestly, my life has really changed for the better. Even though I don’t eat like normal people I guess, I would chose the green pill again.

Thank you all for reading. And feel free to ask me any questions or comment below if I can help in any way.