
STILL Fruitarian! : Benefits I Have Experienced on a Fruitarian, Low Fat Raw Vegan Diet

Pascal Campion

Hi guys!

I am back from Japan and China.

It was a very interesting experience and so fun to hang out with my family who I went with.

There was one point of tension on the trip though. My fruitarianism.

So yeah, if you don’t know, I have been experimenting with fruitarianism, or low fat raw veganism, or basically eating ONLY fruits and vegetables.

When I left for my vacation, I had been a fruitarian for about 3 weeks.

I had been experiencing amazing benefits. My fitness had magically jumped to a whole new level. It was like I was a different person. I could do pushups easily. My strength, without strength training at all, was like…someone else’s strength. I was suddenly fitter…no doubt about it. It was incredible.

At my dance class, it was like I was the most popular one there. All of a sudden people were like “how DOES she do that!” It was awesome.

My skin had also cleared up. I had no breakouts.

I had also lost a lot of weight. My shorts were falling off…quite literally. (a humorous experience).

People were whistling at me on the street.

I also had more energy. Like instead of feeling exhausted after my dance classes, I was like, I think I’ll walk back today. And I would speed walk.

I was also beginning to enjoy eating fruits and vegetables.

For example, peaches are in season. I was eating like 15 ripe peaches a day. Plus some plums and apricots and nectarines (also in season).

You feel like you are enjoying summer when you eat that many ripe peaches. You feel a connection TO summer.

However it’s not all peaches and summertime.

Let’s face it, although there are a lot of great benefits of being a fruitarian, there is a high, very high, excruciatingly high, some might say, cost.

You have to give up ALL food. Except fruits and vegetables, which most people rarely eat anyway.

It’s hard in the beginning. There’s a lot to learn suprisingly. I had to learn how to track my calories in order to get ENOUGH calories. You have to learn to eat literally laughable quantities of fruits. (for example i took a ridiculous bag of 10 bananas and ten oranges on the plane to China). You have to learn how to always have huge quantities of fresh fruit at the ready. You have to learn what a ripe fruit is because you soon learn it’s impossible to eat large volumes of unripe fruits. You have to learn how to fit in so much eating in one day. You have to learn how to deal with people thinking you’re crazy. (Vegetarians and vegans are pretty used to that though).

Probably hardest of all is giving up your love for food as you know it.

It really is like breaking up with someone you love. You know it’s for the best, but it’s hard to accept sometimes. It’s hard to move on.

Slowly, however, the feelings of loss become more vague and distant. And when one door closes another door opens. A new life opens for you. A different one.

Fruitarians believe that a fruit based diet is our natural diet, meaning, the diet humans are designed to eat.

Because of how well eating this way has worked for me, I think I agree.

I believe a vegan diet (specifically a vegan diet of only fruits and vegetables (and some nuts and seeds) ) IS our natural diet.

If you are a vegan, and you are interested in taking a wild ride into unprecedented levels of health I suggest you try Low Fat Raw Veganism or 80/10/10/

On my vacation I stopped being full on fruitarian but I was still vegan. Now that I am home I am so excited to have access to so much fruit. I’m doing this for the indefinite future.

Would you ever try fruitarianism as a further step into veganism? Your thoughts?



A Great New Way to Find Vegan Shoes and Vegan Bags–My Pinterest Page


Yesterday I made a pinterest board for vegan shoes and bags. Wish I had thought of it sooner, it is so easy to use and fun to look at. By clicking on the pics you can be linked to all of (in my opinion) the coolest vegan shoes and bags on the market. It’s exactly why I started this blog to begin with, but pinterest is a much better platform for that. I think from now on, I will just add any cool vegan shoes I see to my pinterest page and that will free up my blog for more interesting things. Also, I’m going to try to integrate the pinterest page into the blog so you can just see what’s available to purchase in case you need some vegan shoes quick.

I have to say, while I was looking for vegan shoes to add to my cool vegan shoes pinterest board I was really struck by how few options there still are for vegan shoes. Some of the websites that are the top search results for vegan shoes are appaling! This probably leads people to believe that it is next to impossible not to buy leather and still be able to look presentable.

On the plus side, there are more than 54 awesome vegan shoes on my page all of which I would love to own. So can’t complain too much.

As I was searching for vegan shoes, I found that slightly contrary to what I say in my article “where to find cool vegan shoes online“,  I found the coolest vegan shoes on the following websites:

The Good Guys

Cri de Coeur

Zara (sort by price, lowest to highest, should under or around $60 may be vegan, but look at the materials)

Asos and Urban Outfitters (ditto what I said about Zara)


Let me know what you think of the page and if you have a pinterest page let me know because I would love to check it out. Thanks to everyone on my Facebook page (mynonleatherlife) who sent me theirs already.