Turkey Talks: My Life as a Turkey (an amazing documentary), Thanksgiving Woes, and Farm Sanctuary’s Adopt a Turkey Program
Hey guys,
One quick thing.
Thanksgiving is coming up. How do I get my family to not eat a turkey.
It’s hopeless. I talked to my mom about it and she said no one would come if we didn’t have a turkey.
Well, of course they would…
In the Grinch Who Stole Christmas, the Whos learn the true meaning of christmas when the Grinch steals everything including their food.
all the who’s down in whoville the tall and the small….that’s all I remember….
well they started holding hands and singing.
Why can’t we do the same??
Hmm…I guess that makes me the Grinch.
Well I guess I can’t control what other people do, I can only control myself.
I know this is going to sounds crazy but I swear to you, the following story is a true story and happened to me…
One Thanksgiving probably around 5 years ago, my family was cooking up a storm at their house in the woods of CT. I decided to clear the head and go out for a walk in the crisp fall air.
I walked up the driveway and veered into the woods. There is this swampy area that is kind of like a clearing in the woods.
On that Thanksgiving I saw
literally hundreds of wild turkeys. In the trees and on the ground. It was like ten flocks had come together for a meeting in this clearing.
On the most important and truly horrific days for Turkeys of the year.
I almost couldn’t believe it was real. After watching for a while, I ran at them to see if it wasnt a mirage or something. They scattered.
Why did I do that. How rude of me.
I imagined those turkeys were having a pow wow. A great meeting with the chiefs of those ten flocks. Or maybe they were mourning.
I will never forget that moment. I went back inside and told everyone. They didn’t even believe me!!! It was too much of a coincidence. But I know what I saw.
Have you seen the PBS documentary My Life as a Turkey. God it’s good!!! I’ve watched it twice now and I’d watch it again today. It is only about an hour long and documents how this guy Joe Hutto raised a bunch of wild turkey eggs into full grown turkeys, and how they taught him so much about the woods and about the inner lives of turkeys. They are incredibly smart with their own rich culture and way of being in the woods. For example they know all about the forest. They know which snakes are poisonous and where every single branch is on the forest floor. They talk to eachother and play with the other forest animals. They live in the moment and are extremely happy all the time. You’ev got to see it!
You can also adopt a turkey from Farm Sanctuary for $50. Which will sponsor them to adopt a turkey.
i guess that’s the best I can do.
Instead of complaining to my family, I should put my money where my mouth is and donate to Farm Sanctuary.
Well, what do you guys think? Does it annoy you when your family has a turkey at Thanksgiving?
After reading all these books I really feel like I can’t be thankful for the carcass of a murdered tortured individual on my table.
: ((((((((
Your thoughts???