
A New Line of Designer Vegan or (Cruelty Free Rather) Handbags from Cornelia Guest

I recently read on the peta blog about a new line of “cruelty free” handbags from Cornelia Guest, daughter of fashion icon C.Z Guest.

Cornelia Guest. I love the name Cornelia.

With mother, the famed C.Z Guest.

Cornelia seems to have been an animal lover her whole life, with nine dogs, a donkey and a tortoise, a line of vegan cookies and now a beautiful new line of handbags. I am a fan.

I read an interview with her in which the interviewer asks “what would you like to achieve before you die?”

she responds:

“To let the world know that there is an alternative, and animals suffer horrifically, and there is no need for it.”


Here is a quote about her design process I liked. She says:

“Every day I learn about resourcing fabrics,” she says. “It’s like being in a candy store. I sit on the floor of these warehouses and sift through different sorts of corks, PVCs and faux leathers in every possible texture. So much of it is recycled.

“I love using woods, organic cotton, so many things available to us. I don’t know where it could go and it morphs every day. Right now I am using sustainable PVC that is also recyclable. The faux leathers now are incredible quality. You can’t tell the difference and it’s just as – and even more beautiful than – any leathers I have seen.
This is quite admirable. I think this line will do well. I really like her bags.
I totally love the woven satchels, and the rest are very nice too. You can see them all and purchase them here.
The woven satchels:


A Vegan Cambridge Satchel, Vegan Shoes, and Finnish Bloggers

Hello everyone,

Have you ever seen those cool cambridge satchels from the Cambridge Satchel Company and wished for a vegan version?

I found one at this interesting UK website called Freerangers through this nice vegan blog veganshoeaddict.  The satchels are totally vegan and come in red with blue trim, blue with red trim, and classic brown.

Most Popular Product.. Our Satchel!

I also really liked this knapsack, available in their “bag” section, delightfully called the “conker rucksack“. Conkers are what English people call Horse Chestnuts and they dry them out and kids play a game with them. I read about this first in Roald Dahl’s book My Year, and references to this charming game can often be found in British children’s literature.


Conker Rucksack

This website also has a very unique and cool selection of colorful, handmade looking boots and shoes. This is a British company but for around $20 shipping, they will ship to the US.

Check it out:

Brogue Boot

brogue boot

Ruthie Boot

ruthie boot

Brook Sandal

brook sandal

Pippa Sandal

pippa sandal 

This last sandal reminds me of a shoe that if you are gorgeous and styling, will look super cool on you, but if slightly less than stylish will look quite frumpy.

all these shoes come in a variety of unique colors, which sadly, the website does not picture.

All these shoes remind me of something I find fascinating– the personal style of Finnish bloggers.

Somehow I began following many Finnish blogs online. These blogs are amazing. They contain some of the most beautiful photography I’ve ever seen.

Now to lump all of them together and generalize — the women who write these blogs live simple lives as photographers or artists (from what I can tell, since their blogs are usually all in Finnish) in quiet cities and villages in Finland. They have small blond children who they take out into nature daily, to forage for mushrooms, swim in ponds, run through tall grasses with their dogs, bathe in steel tubs by the fire, etc…

They eat dark brown bread and sew all their kids clothes. They take a lot of photos of nature –the sun setting on the magical finnish forests, the moon in the evening, the cats sleeping in the sunlight.

They seem to wear simple, handmade colorful clothes that they make look incredibly stylish, and I could really see them wearing some of these shoes!

The best way to get to know them is to look through the pictures on their blog…I wish i could repost all their photos, but here is a taste.

Liviia, one of the coolest bloggers ever.

Chocolate circus: 



Have fun exploring these blogs if you so choose and I’d love to know what you think!