Yearly Archives: 2014

The Summer of the 1,001 Figs and an 8 Legged Heroine’s Attempt to Save the Pigs


Summer time.

I am in love with it.


I wear tiny shorts. I walk to the fruit carts. They are overflowing with fruit.

Cartons of figs for 1$. Every fruit is there all piled up. It’s amazing.

I asked a fruit seller yesterday “why is everything so cheap?”. He said, “the season”.


I love just walking around.

I have been eating soo many figs.

It’s such a great feeling, weirdly. Knowing how much fruit you are eating.

It’s like the more figs I consume, the more I absorb summer into my body.

It’s kind of like when you love someone so much you have to kiss them to be nearer to them.

Or when your dog or your baby brother or your boyfriend is so cute, you just want to eat them!!


Eating fruit is like that somehow. It’s like you get closer and closer to loving summer with every fig imbibed.

It got me thinking, summer is such a special time. It really is like a party. All of nature is happy. Everything is beautiful, in bloom.

The seasons are so perfect and summer is the queen of all the seasons.


Guess what. I wrote about it on Facebook today, but someone in the Toronto Pig Save Facebook group has created a heartbreaking work of staggering genius.

They want to make a huge art installation of a giant web…and in the web they will weave “some pig” from Charlotte’s Web and they’ll put it opposite the pig slaughterhouse where they do their vigils.

If any of you guys remember Charlotte’s Web, you’ll know that Charlotte the wise spider saved her friend Wilbur the pig from slaughter by weaving seemingly magical phrases hyping Wilbur in her web.

Those phrases helped the farmers in the story make the connection that Wilbur wasn’t just a pig, he was special, unique, marvelous in his own way.

It almost makes me cry. We all are, aren’t we. We all are unique gems. So are pigs. Just like the two dogs I had were incredibly different in personalities from one another and so amazing and special to me. All pigs have unique personalities like dogs.

But not all pigs have a champion and guardian like Charlotte to speak up for them and save them.

That’s why Toronto Pig Save will speak for them.


Some Pig.

Maybe it will help people remember that if they were rooting for Wilbur in the story, then they should help the pigs in front of them.

Maybe they will make that elusive connection that is so deceptively hard for people to make.

Pigs are “Terrific” and “Radiant”.

People need to know that.


Fruit Makes Your Brain Go Tropical and random musings about what happened when i went vegan


It is just amazing to me how much being vegan has changed my life.

You know how I have been going on about how I have this desire to be in a tropical paradise?

The other day in this raw food Facebook group Reach4Raw (I recommend joining if you are interested in raw food diets), someone posted this question that was like, “does anyone else long for tropical environments like I do?”. She was like ever since I started eating more fruit, I long for tropical weather, a connection to nature, etc.

So many people chimed in and were like YES ME TOO. And I chimed in.

I think the fruit causes you to think those thoughts. The fruit is like a little voice inside your head that says be healthy. Get sunlight. Swim in the water naked. Relax. Enjoy summer. Enjoy being alive.

Kind of creepy maybe, haha.

Have any of you had those thoughts?

When you go vegan, the fog lifts. You see another way of life.


It is an odd feeling.

Yesterday I was at a bar. The bar had huge framed photos of cows with ridiculous hats on them for the decor.

It struck me how messed up that was.

Pointing and laughing like kids at a zoo. Putting hats on the cows and making them look ridiculous.

I didn’t like that.

Cows should be respected.

But then I started thinking, have I been brainwashed by veganism? I mean, this is too much, getting offended that these cows are not getting the proper respect they deserve and are being treated like objects. Maybe I’m the one who has gone too far.

But then I was like…no. I’m not crazy.

Those cows deserve to be in a wild herd, raising their own children. No one should be used. We all deserve our freedom. Etc.

That’s not weird. It’s just an idea whose time hasn’t come yet.

Women weren’t free for a long time. That kind of thing.

Sometimes I feel like all I talk about is fruit and arguments for not eating meat.

I feel like I am a missionary trying to convert people.

I tried for a while to lead by example, and not talk people’s ear off about veganism. But no one came to me, seeking my advice, as people said they would. So I’m back to harassing people.

I think to myself, maybe they’ll think about what I said, and they’ll be more likely to watch a documentary on veganism….and then it will all come together for them. One day.

It doesn’t seem like I am doing enough to help the animals.

I’m thinking maybe I should show my body more so that people would follow me to gaze on my physique and then be eventually converted to veganism.


Anyway, it’s summertime and I’m lovin it.

Horrors! A mcdonalds phrase came to mind.

Well this was a rambling post. Hope you are all having a great summertime!