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Vegan Shoes Out of an Old Movie from the Good Guys Spring Collection, and Musings about my Raw Foodism

an imagined vegan banquet

Hello Hello.

I have two great great posts coming up. Two interviews with some awesome vegan people. I know you will enjoy….

In the meantime, I am home on a Friday night, browsing the net to see what the latest happenings in the vegan shoe world are. Despite all the great companies that make great “intentionally vegan” shoes and all the cheap shoes that are “unintentionally vegan”, I still am often frustrated by the slim pickings in the vegan shoe world. You see so many cool leather shoes, and so few cool NON LEATHER shoes. I hope one day, much nearer in the future than we think, that reverses.

English babies converse with a goose

I have completed 1 week of raw vegan food, by the way. It was such a great experience. I now I am eating healthy foods primarily, for maybe the first time in my life, even though I have always considered myself a very healthy eater. I am really eating fruits and vegetables now as the staple of my diet. I love it. I feel like I gained so much knowledge in the last two weeks of what nutrition really comes down too. Natalie’s advice was spot on–Victoria Boutenko and Ani Phyo. Get their books. They are the best!

acceptable dinner on a raw food diet

Ok on to more exciting news. Well, I don’t want to sound like an advertisement for any company, but I really like the Good Guys shoes. I like their whole menswear, quirky, vintage movie, aesthetic. I was, no joke, so excited when I saw their new spring line coming out. It is so cute. See for yourself.

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If you are a reader from way back, you know I love my vegan saddle shoes. I wear mine all the time. I wish all vegans could be recognized by the fact that they only wore saddle shoes, lol, jk.

My favorite of the collection has to be those pink shoes! I love them. I love cotton candy pink.

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They also have colored loafers, my other shoe staple. But my favorite is the white loafer. This is really a Woody Allen, vintage movie kind of shoe. Love it.

Screen shot 2013-01-18 at 9.25.29 PMThese are also so rookie magazine, school girl. I need these…oh no.

These are so cool too!!

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Ok well, I could go on. But get ‘yer vegan shoe loving butts over to their website and check it out yourselves, if you so desire.

Hope you all have a happy weekend. I think there is some big vegan bake-off in NYC this Sunday. Anyone planning to attend?

xoxo Victoria


Cool Vegan Shoes on Sale at Cri de Coeur and Vegan Lederhosen


Some interesting developments.

I have now been a raw vegan for 1 week. I have been drinking green drinks, eating salads, making bizarre raw food recipes, eating whole mushrooms–it has been quite an experience. I think I may prolong the experience another week.

victoria bountenko's raw food pyramid

victoria bountenko’s raw food pyramid

#1 CHANGE: My sense of smell has sharpened. I have been smelling all kinds of new things. #2 Change: my face feels better. It is softer, and when I look in the mirror, I think it looks great.

Ok, on to shoe news.

There are some interesting sales in the vegan clothing and footwear world you might be interested in.

First order of Business:

Cri de Coeur is having a sale on their shoes

They have 3 shoes for sale that I love.

1. I love these alpine-esque vegan hiking boots.

Bavarian birds sing to me while I hike in Lederhosen along the white capped, yellow flowered alps yodeling…when I think of these boots.

Hmm…you know, I’d really like some vegan lederhosen. But back to the shoes.

Vegan Alpine Hiking Boots on sale for $40.

I have these in black, and love them.

(also on sale for $40, but only in size 11).

If you put red laces in the tan ones, they would be so cute.

These remind me of going to Switzerland every year as a kid.

I also really like these:

Swing Laceup Open-toe Bootie - Black - was $140

vegan laceup boots

These are odd, but they have potential. Very “sexy witch”.

Join me on facebook to see some cute vids and find out about other cool vegan happenings, and keep in touch!