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More About Moi and Musings on This Here Blog

Cowboy John finds his new best friend on White Stallion Ranch: Rowdy.

Hello everyone,

I have really been enjoying getting some wonderful comments lately. I love the feedback, and am so happy people find the info on vegan shoes helpful.

However, I feel bad that I rarely update the blog.

I never know what to write. Sometimes it seems silly to write a whole post about this or that vegan shoe.I feel I have already completed my masterwork with my article “Where to Find Cool Vegan Shoes Online” (lol).

I wanted to share with anyone interested that I very regularly maintain (almost too regularly that it might be overload if anyone subscribes) another blog on tumblr where I post writings about my life in nyc, iphone photos of my life, and also what i have termed “picture stories”– little vignettes made with photos and captions that tell a story… Sometimes the material is not quite SFW (safe for work) so hopefully no one is shocked and horrified, but I consider it letting my creativity have free reign and all.

Anyway should anyone feel inclined to read it, here is the link!

Also if anyone has suggestions for what kind of things you’d like me to research, write a post about or see more of on this blog–I’d LOVE to know!

One idea I have is spotlighting cool or beautiful animal photos –or is that just lame?

Let me know! haha.



Are Shoes Made in China Necessarily Unethical (In Your Opinion?)

Hey guys,

Thought I’d ask for some thoughts on a matter I am currently pondering.

So I am currently trying to get a line of vegan shoes made.

However, there are no more shoe factories in the US. They have all been moved overseas, and mostly to China.

China is a country known for its terrible treatment of animals, sadly. Just today, I received an email from PETA called “no one needs to die for fashion” detailing the animal abuses that take place in China. Sad.

However, do you think that this means that any shoes made in China, even if they were totally synthetic, are unethical?

What if a factory in China could make great vegan shoes that popularized the whole concept of vegan shoes?

There are also concerns about the ethical treatment of factory workers.

But let’s say I visited and found a great factory.

One, that, for example, gave jobs to women who would otherwise be forced, through lack of funds, into prostitution (something I read about in the incredible book about the horrific treatment of women worldwide Half The Sky by NIcholas Kristof and Cheryl Wu-Dunn)?

Does the fact that the factory is in China make a difference?

What do you think. I’d love to know your thoughts on this very real dilemma.