raw veganism

Hiring a Raw Vegan or Fruitarian Health Coach: is it a DO or a DON’T?

Hello everyone,

I wanted to share something interesting I did today.

I hired 80/10/10-er raw vegan Ellen Fisher of mangoislandmamma.com for a consultation. Basically, a 1 hour Skype call where I asked her all my questions.

Recently I have been really wanting to eat more raw foods. I have been really enjoying my raw till 4 ish lifestyle and loving my dinners and how easy and great tasting it is to eat this way, but I had an inner urge to shoot for the stars and get back to how I was feeling when I was eating fully raw and on banana island.

To be more clear, I felt this amazing zing in my step. I felt sometimes so good that I felt my body was a wonderland lol. I felt like a god among men, in an inner way. Like my body just felt like zinging up and down with a great feeling. I felt so much energy that it felt effortless to run. I felt light. I felt beautiful. I never felt gross and sluggish after a meal. I felt myself getting stronger and more athletic. It was just a good experience all around.

But when I went back to eating cooked foods, though I kept many of the benefits, like weight loss, I lost that great spring in my step and goddessly feeling.

I decided to take a chance and hire someone who was living that lifestyle and maybe they could help me out with a way to possibly try it again.

Though being fully raw was a great feeling, what I am doing now is much easier, tastier and more convenient…but I just wanted to see…

Anyway, the coaching thing was really amazing and I wish I had done it sooner. It was inspiring and also cleared up for me a lot of things I was doing wrong.

I really recommend Ellen Fisher if you are wanting to get healthier in any way. She does it by Skype and it is extremely inexpensive in my opinion.  Also her ebook is the best one I’ve bought and I think I’ve pretty much bought them all lol.

Here are 13 things I learned today from my health coaching session with Ellen Fisher, pictured below:

11 Things I Learned from my Fruitarian Health Coach

1. Don’t make smoothies so much. Eat bananas whole. You won’t necessarily stop when you’re full if you’re drinking a smoothie and you could feel sluggish and uncomfortably full after, which I sometimes do.

2. eat one mono meal of fruit a day at least.

3. for dinner eat a salad with zucchini and cucumber noodles and a raw vegan dressing and don’t eat any fruit after. If you are still hungry, make more of the salad. Or if you eat cooked food, just eat more of that and not fruit after. This will make a big difference in your digestion.

4. cutting out balsamic vinegar, mustard, ketchup and pickles will make a big difference in how you feel over time.

5. following those food combining charts will make a big difference in how you feel.

6. when you wake up before breakfast, try to get in a quick workout.

7. sleeping a lot is very important.

8. try to think about your diet in terms of self love. If you know you feel good eating only raw food, try to think of it as a practice of self love to give that to yourself and do what makes you feel your best.

10. banana islands are very good for healing the body. Do more banana islands.

11. don’t try to tell people about your diet or talk about your diet much at all. Let people come to you.

Even though it’s weird, talking to her made me realize how much I do desire and am really interested in going extreme and achieving a very high level of health and being fully raw. She made me feel like it was easy.

I really recommend getting help from someone who really knows what they are talking about and lives the lifestyle you want. You might be able to get someone you admire to mentor you for free even.

What do you think, would you hire a coach to help you achieve your health goals? Do you have any inkling of a desire to be an extreme health zealot and go fully raw, or do you prefer a more moderate approach to life? 


How Going Vegan Made Me a Kumbaya Singing, Hemp Shoe Wearing Hippie (many hemp shoes on my cool vegan shoes pinterest board these days)

Have you guys ever read the book The Road?

It is one of my favorite books of all time. It is so easy to read. Really, you can’t stop reading it. It is effortless to read because you HAVE to read it. You can’t put it down. And yet it is also extremely deep. It made me think about the meaning of life.

The end of the book is one of the best endings ever. The last paragraph of the book is always coming back to me.

“Once there were brook trout in the streams in the mountains. You could see them standing in the amber current where the white edges of their fins wimpled softly in the flow. They smelled of moss in your hand. Polished and muscular and torsional. On their backs were vermiculate patterns that were maps of the world in its becoming. Maps and mazes. Of a thing which could not be put back. Not be made right again. In the deep glens where they lived all things were older than man and they hummed of mystery.”

The Road
Cormac McCarthy

Isn’t that beautiful? Of course in the book it is contrasted with the aftermath of nuclear war. When earth and all the beautiful things about life were mostly wiped out. But in the book the guy still remembers what earth used to be like.

Being vegan has made me realize the beauty of nature and of life.

Total hippie speaking, hehe.

No but seriously. I think about how perfect and beautiful animals are. And how perfect ripe fruits are, being fruitarian. And isn’t it great that fruit trees always are short and close to the ground so that humans can reach up and pick the fruit, and experience “banana island” levels of running ability and happiness.

(banana boat shipwreck)

I think about the garden of eden a lot, the peaceable kingdom, noah’s ark a lot– basically nature.

It doesn’t help that I’m living in New York City and haven’t been in nature in a long time.

The other day I thought about that paragraph from The Road again thinking about how I grew up in nature. I remembered sounds from the spring time in my childhood. This ditch in the yard would start running with water. We would dig at it with sticks and move the rocks away till it was a rushing stream. There were ponds in the woods with brown leaves and real frogs on them. Salamanders too. I had a vision of yellow in my mind, and then I remember forsythia. These scraggly brown bushes suddenly bloomed with tiny yellow flowers everywhere. Spring time! All the trees suddenly burst into flowers. You didn’t even remember trees could have flowers on them. There were robins hopping in the grass. I went barefoot everywhere. I remember how cold the ground was. It would get your socks soaking wet and freezing cold. The sky was so blue and the clouds would rush by overhead blown by spring winds.

I’m so happy that being vegan has brought me closer to nature. It reminded me that I should respect animals, and that animals share the same love of life and springtime as I do. It also made me feel more connected to nature by eating only plants and fruit. How cool is that. I think it’s cool. Being nourished by only stuff that grows out of the ground, naturally.

It also gave me a distaste for civilization, lol. Don’t know what to make of that yet. Maybe it means I need to get back in nature for a while.

Have any of you ever read the book The Road ? And I am curious do any of you feel like becoming vegan made you feel a longing for nature and closer to nature? 

oh and check out all the once ridiculed hemp shoes on my cool vegan shoes pinterest board these days

If you want to see pictures of smoothies/fruitarians I follow on instagram i am @greenelover.

MyNonLeatherLife on Facebook too