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The Solution to the Riddle


While browsing facebook tonight I came across this status from Anita Krajnc (head of Toronto Pig Save)

Hi everyone, if you have a YouTube channel, can you please subscribe to Toronto Pig Save’s YouTube channel? We aim to get 1,000 subscribers soon so we can qualify to broadcast on YouTube Live. Our dream is to livestream our vigils so thousands can bear witness of the pigs, cows, chickens, sheep, fish and other animals heading to Toronto’s slaughterhouses. So far, we have 353 YT subscribers… If you can help us out, please let us know. Thanks!

Wow. They want to broadcast vigils live on youtube.

It reminds me of how you’re reading a book, and you’re like, how in the world is this going to end, and then the author comes up with a mind-blowing plot climax that’s just so good, you’re like, how did they ever think of that. That is just so perfect. So brilliant.

Let me explain. The mission of Toronto Pig Save is to make slaughterhouses have glass walls.

But slaughterhouses don’t have glass walls. Will never have glass walls, because they want to keep the carnage hidden (though I heard some have windows that you can see everything through).

Who would have ever guessed, then, that in a stunning plot twist, Toronto Pig Save, a small group of people standing on a single street in Canada, would take it global suddenly, by live broadcasting transport and possibly even slaughterhouse footage on youtube.

It reminds me of an old fairy tale when the witch tells the young girl, “I will give you what you want when slaughterhouses have glass walls” or some impossible task like that.

And the girl solves it.

I remember one where a witch asked her to collect water in a sieve and she did it by using clay from the riverbed to stop up the holes.

And now the riddle of putting glass walls on slaughterhouses has been solved too.


Imagine if they put a camera in a slaughterhouse and you could tune in at any time and the slaughter was always there. The constant screaming of the pigs. The torture. The blood. The fear.


I feel like this is a big idea. Just knowing there is a livestream of slaughterhouses–that the meat industry can’t get away with it anymore–would change things.

Imagine if during the holocaust there had been a livestream in the concentration camps. Would that have changed things I wonder.

I think people will suddenly wake up to the horrible spell that has been cast on them that allows them to stare unseeingly onto the meat filled menu.

Suddenly they will have to face the truth. There will probably be a media outcry. Soon everyone will be talking about it. And I’m sure most people will not watch it, but at least the truth will be out there at last for anyone who wants to see it.

Searchable on youtube. Live.

The truth will set us free.

Don’t forget to subscribe to Toronto Pig Save on youtube and let’s make this happen.


A Spiritual Experience: I Was a Pig in the Death Trucks


Tonight I had an interesting spiritual experience of sorts.

I had just had dinner with my sisters and friend, and was riding in a taxi back to my apt.

It had just rained and it was warm and beautiful out.


I remember relaxing back into the seat and for some reason, instead of looking at my phone I felt like just enjoying the moment.

I relaxed into the seat and turned my head out the window and let the beautiful breeze rush over my face.

I started gettting lost in the moment and suddenly, like in a dream, I felt reality becoming blurred and I had a vision of my dogs and how they used to love to stick their head out the window. Sort of like how when you are doing a truly perfect impression of someone, and for a second you BECOME that person, in that moment I became my dog, sticking his head out the window, taking in the beauty of life.

I felt exactly like he used to look.

Then I remembered this picture I had seen of a pig sticking his head out the window of the transport trucks. The death trucks, as Toronto Pig Save so aptly calls them. The photo has always stayed with me, because that pig looks exactly like a dog taking in the beauty of life out the window of a car.



For a moment then, I became that pig.

Then I kind of startled myself out of my reverie.

I was shocked to realize that I was also in the death truck.

I had a kind of spiritual revelation in that moment, that what I felt– the wind and the smell of the world after it rains, the breeze rushing over my skin…. that is EXACTLY what it feels like to be a pig.

And for a second I had a flash of insight.

That is exactly what it feels when a pig sticks its head out the window and enjoys the breeze…

on the way to the slaughterhouse.

In a way I can’t even quite articulate, I FELT in that moment that not only were those pigs LIKE me, they were exactly like me. They felt the breeze and enjoyed their life exactly like I was feeling the breeze and enjoying my life.

I know it doesn’t make sense. But I had this spiritual experience of sorts in the taxi.

I was a pig in the death trucks.