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Do You See the Ghosts?

Do you see the ghosts?

Hello everyone,

Have you seen that video going around of a 2 year old boy who is being fed Octopus gnochhi by his mother when all of a sudden he has the realization that he is eating a dead animal that was killed for his food.

It is really an awesome video. At the end, the mom starts crying, and like a Hans Christian Anderson story, the little boy asks, “Mother, why are you crying?” and she says “Because you move me”.

It reminds me of the story “The Emperor’s New Clothes”. The kids can see what everyone else is numbed to. The 2 year old knows that we should protect animals and not chop them down and eat them, but most people just accept it.

I saw The Ghosts in Our Machine repost the link on their facebook page saying, “Luiz [the little boy] sees the ghosts. Do you?”

I love that. The whole meaning of ghosts in the machine is that there is this huge industrial machine…these big slaughterhouses with conveyer belt slaughtering systems but inside are living beings….souls…that are lost in the machine. A soul in the body that is used for meat.

I love how they said “do you see the ghosts?”

That is genius. Do you see the ghosts?

Do you see the dignity and personhood of each animal, no matter how different they are from you.

I feel this is what all of Jo-Anne McArthur’s photographs show so beautifully. They show that a shark in an aquarium tank isn’t just a fish happy to swim in its tank and a fun outing with the vegan boyfriend, but a LIFE with a family and a desire for freedom. A shark shouldn’t be cooped up against it’s will in a tank. It’s not “just” a shark, it’s a being with it’s own right to freedom.

But you’ll never understand this, unless you somehow manage to see the ghosts.

I believe the way I came to “see the ghosts” is by bearing witness as explained by Anita Krajnc and watching the youtube videos of pig slaughterhouses and pig transport trucks from Toronto Pig Save.

Do you see the ghosts?

When you look at an animal, do you just see something you can’t relate to….or do you see the “someone” inside.

Do you see the ghosts?

Brilliant, right??

Can’t wait to see Ghosts in Our Machine.


How a Vegan Diet Cured My Cramps

I am back from my trip to Hawaii.

In one word…

I am so happy!!

It was amazing.

I could go on and on about it, but instead I wanted to let you guys know something else.

I have had no CRAMPS for the past 2 months.

OK, cramps people…you know what I am talking about!

This is an amazing occurrence for me…as I have always had…well for at least 10 ish years…terrible cramps that seemed to be getting worse.

For the last year or so I would have to take 3 advils continuously for the first 3 days of my cramps. If I timed it slightly wrong, the pain would get so bad that I would just be lying in bed unable to move. The only thing that helped was to sit under a shower or in a hot bath literallly ALL day and as soon as I got out –which I had to do because you overheat in a hot bath–the pain would start again.


I knew this was a sign of less than perfect health, but I had tried googling about cramps to no avail.

At one time I bought bucketloads of vitamins after I read an amazon review talking about how this certain vitamin had cured this girls cramps.

Nothing changed. My cramps were still getting worse.

When I went vegan…my cramps did not get better.

When I started drinking green smoothies daily after reading the fabulous works of Victoria Boutenko my cramps did NOT get better.


After I read the book 80/10/10 by Doug Graham, which is about fruitarianism, or High Carb Raw Veganism…

I increased my fruit intake by a LOT. I also stopped using oils…

A week before my period I went full on…

well almost

I ate only fruit for breakfast and lunch…and I had a cooked vegan meal for dinner…

The whole month I had been increasing my fruit intake, eating pretty ridiculous quantities of fruit.

I’m talking like ten bananas and two oranges for breakfast. 5 bananas and 6 plums for lunch.

That month I experienced…the lightest cramps I had ever felt.

And only for day 1…on days 2 and 3 nothing.

I just recently had the same experience.

Right before I went to Hawaii I was thinking OH NO, of all the time to have cramps…

I experienced almost NO CRAMPS for the second time in a row. It is a miracle.

I definitely think this is because of eating more fruits, more raw food, and less fat.

If you experience something every month without fail for 120 months in a row and then all of a sudden BAM something changes…and the only thing you have changed is your diet… well…it’s a pretty good guess your diet did it.

What I have learned from this is that

Veganism can definitely improve your health….but veganism alone is not sufficient.

It is a matter of eating crazy amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables…(necessarily vegan) and probably very little fat. If you eat a lot of cooked vegan food you might not see health results.

Supposedly no cramping and light periods are a very common side effect of a fruitarian or high carb raw vegan diet…I just never believe those kinds of claims myself.

It is so cool that I was able to fix a health problem myself. It is really exciting.

I highly recommend the book 80/10/10.

I am so curious to think what would happen if I could go all the way…do it completely. I feel like I would experience amazing results…If I got this from just a month to a week of transitional 80/10/10.

Has anyone else experienced any health benefits from eating a vegan diet or increasing their intake of fruits and vegetables? I am very interested in your experiences.