Fall Vegan Thoughts: The Battle for Planet Earth
(some very cool new vegan shoes and vegan bags on the pinterest by the way)
I went to a vegan meetup last night.
I have never been around so many vegans before. It was pretty cool to discuss things with people who “see the ghosts“.
There was one annoying person there, but what’s new.
Overall it was a great success.
It is fall. It is getting cold out.
This is the cycle of life. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter.
It’s really a beautiful cycle.

The more I learn about animal rights, the more I begin to see the forces of darkness and evil at work in the earth.
I like to think of it like Lord of the Rings.
Good vs. Evil.
Because, it is actually true. There are forces of good and evil out there.
A lot of people don’t even know what they’re doing. No one has showed them the ghosts yet….
But they are still being used for the forces of evil. Unwittingly or not.

It is a journey into seeing the truth. Like Mark said in his interview, you go deeper and deeper into this black hole of animal rights.
Like now when I hear someone ordering a hamburger, I am stunned. Stunned at how brainwashed they truly are. Stunned at how little they know. And how to get them to realize it is the eternal question. How to make a vegan world….
There is abuse to innocent voiceless creatures, torture and slavery, and there is brainwashing everywhere– by the companies, the menus, the marketing, the cookbooks…
Yet the earth is still a beautiful place.

Just like the stories say, there is good and evil. Darkness and light.
It is funny that after all this time, I find that the fantasy stories I used to love so much but thought were silly, described something very real about life.
When I was a kid, I used to think there were no forces of evil at play. But there are.
There is a battle. We do need to fight.
Who will win? Will darkness win out? Will the most innocent of beings, voiceless, still remain enslaved and murdered by the billions each year?
Or will the vegan meetups of the world, the Pig and Cow and Chicken Save movements of the world, the animal sanctuary owners, and all the other people trying to do something good win out.
It’s up for grabs really.
The earth is a beautiful place, isn’t it.
That little ball in space. With all the incredible beauty of the seasons, the animals, love, the friendship of dogs.
Who will win.
great article, I often feel the same
thanks Allie. <3
Beautiful thoughts
Thank you Don. I really appreciate your saying so! xoxo