Weight Loss on Raw Till 4 Update
Happy Holidays everyone.
Well, I just got back from Thanksgiving with my family, at which I dined on a potatostrong.com vegan stuffing recipe, as well as mashed potatoes with nothing in them, as well as cranberry sauce.

will from potato strong who lost 40 pounds on The Starch Solution
I have loosened up about my diet even more these days–going back between starches and fruits and vegetables. I kind of go back and forth between trying to be as raw as possible and eating more starches. I’m confused as to which one is better or which one I like more. So I have just been doing both lately. I haven’t noticed any major weight gain or anything even though I think I have been eating more cooked foods. In fact, I am down from a size 12 when I began this journey to a size 6. WOW people.
sorry for my lack of pleasant facial expression, but I never never ever ever ever ever thought I would lose weight this easily.
I mean it’s debatable how easy it was. I guess I did withstand a lot of annoying remarks and I did grin and bear it a lot at restaurants while my friends were dining on foods with delicious aromas and I did haul a lot of 20 pound fruit bags back from the supermarket….but besides that this whole raw till 4, high carb vegan thing has been SUPER EASY.
Compared to a true diet in which you literally starve yourself and are counting calories, depriving yourself of carbs, distracting yourself from eating–this plant based vegan lifestyle is TRUE HEAVEN PEOPLE, I tell you.
Not only that, but it is fascinating. I have learned so much about animal rights, health, the history of alternative health cures and “natural hygiene”, fasting, detoxes, the individual differences of fruits, the proper conditions for health, enhancing performance through raw foods, new recipes, the whole raw food world, the whole controversy over high carb and low carb diets.
I met so many cool people at the Woodstock Fruit Festival and learned so much from all the youtubers I subscribe to.
It has been an awesome journey.
Not to mention I have ironically gotten RID of all guilt I had around food and eating. I say ironically because some people probably view being vegan as extremely restrictive and almost like an eating disorder. In fact, it is the opposite. I feel like Freelee the banana girl saying this, but I LOVE being able to eat as much as I want and I love that I am eating so many fruits and vegetables and whole unprocessed foods.
It’s really fun.
Anyway, when I was home I was looking at all these pictures of myself from when I was younger.
It came together for me, how much I was struggling with my body and being a fat kid.
I wish I had known about this way of eating then. I would totally have been on it. The youngest raw foodist in Connecticut.
I just had no idea.
I remember when I first found Freelee in the very beginning of my journey and downloaded her ebook, she said something like “congratulations you have found the path. you have found the lifestyle that will allow you to have the body of your dreams”.
I wondered if I had or not.
It’s hard for me even to accept, but she was right. I feel I will continue to lose weight and continue to improve my looks and fitness.
This Halloween, a guy was telling me 28 is the best age to be because you are at the peak of your looks.
I told him every year I think I have got better looking and I think I will continue to improve as I age.
I guess that’s one of the awesome things about “starting from the bottom” if you will.
You get to learn so much more on the way up.
Now when I look in the mirror I just stare and stare. I look so good!
I think I only feel this way cause I started from the bottom. And now I’m just so thrilled with my new physique I created through being vegan and eating PLANTS.
I encourage you guys all who are interested in losing weight but never dieting again to check out either
1. The Starch Solution by John McDougall
2. Raw till 4 on youtube with Freelee the Banana Girl
3. Being fully raw (maybe start by reading Raw Family by Victoria Boutenko or 80/10/10 by Doug Graham)
And to all you fat kids out there, I love you and I think you’re beautiful the way you are. But if you want to lose weight, I believe there is hope. Even though it may sound hard, it really is quite awesome. Forget everything you were told about LOW CARB DIETS. Go vegan and eat ONLY plants, no oil, mostly fruits and vegetables and give it 2 years, ha. It will be worth it.
Thats great Victoria, glad its working out for you.I dumped pork and red meat along with sugars along time ago and I feel better without it . oh yes I agree with what that guy said to you on Halloween, youre a knockout:)
Thanks Patrick!! :) How did you find my blog?
Actually looking for a new vegan diet plan
Nice work!
Thanks Potato Strong! :)