about me

All Men Are Created Equal and Have the Rights to LIFE LIBERTY and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS…and that includes cows.

Well I am off to Hawaii tomorrow on my special pole dancing vacation.
I can’t imagine what it will be like. But I know it will be…..

So thrilling.

This is a combination of three of my great loves…pole dancing and the beach and vacation.Another one of my loves is the wonderful world of the animal kingdom.

On Mother’s Day, a lot of the posts from around facebook from the animal groups I follow got me thinking about animal mothers.

Animals have families. So simple and yet most people choose to ignore this fact.

Everything has been seeming so much clearer to me lately.

The dairy industry keeps mothers as slaves impregnating them until they are no longer fertile and then killing them. They take the male calves away within a day of birth and send them to horrifying veal farms.

It is like something out of a science fiction novel.

Every animal, human or cow, deserves rights—

I hold these truths to be self evident….

all animals are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights and among these are

the freedom to

life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

All men are created equal.

Male, female, human or cow, black, white, or spotted.

What does this mean?

I wish I had paid attention in class…..

I’ll give it my best shot….

Well, it does not mean humans and cows are equal in every way (obviously) …

but their moral worth, their right to live their own life, freely, is equal to every one on this planet.

No one is more “worthy” of living than anyone else. How do I know this?

Well I read a great reason in a book once. (David Burns’ Feeling Good where he was arguing that should you feel “worthless” you are so wrong because it is impossible to be worthless.)


Because the concept of “worthiness” is a meaningless to begin with. It doesn’t exist. It is just an abstract concept that is so generalized it has no concrete practical meaning.

How could it possibly be measured and whose standards would we use to measure it by?

It is impossible to come up with a meaningful measure of worth. It’s not a real thing.

There is no way of measuring the intrinsic worth of a life.

Therefore, if you must concern yourself with matters of worthiness, why not assign 1 unit of “worth” to everyone on the planet.

Everyone is worthy of their own lives.

Despite their infinitely numerous variations, “All Men Are Created Equal”

That includes the “men” in other species….and of course I take men by it’s archaic meaning of people in general, male and female and other.

It is wrong for us to enslave others. Even cows.

Clearly wrong for us to enslave and murder others–even more wrong.

Well, let me end my philosophic musings, by saying have a wonderful day.

I will let you all know how it goes in HAWAIIII.

PLease let me know if you have any thoughts on the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, as it relates to animals or humans.

And whether you agree of disagree that a cow, for example, has the same moral worth, the same rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, as a human does.

Also have any of you read Feeling Good by David Burns, my favorite book?



Hawaii Vacations, Vegan Sandals on Pinterest and Speaking Up for Animals in the Comments on the INTERNET

Hello Everyone,

How are you doing?

I attended Vegan Drinks in NYC the other day. Were any of you there? If anyone who reads this blog lives in NYC, I would love to meet up some time at vegan drinks and meet you. I believe I may be away for this next one because I am going to HAWAII. I am so excited.

This was a really long winter in NYC and all winter long I dreamed, craved, going to the beach. I had dreams of going with my vegan boyfriend and going on holiday, but unfortunately we broke up.

Well, I am going to the beach anyway. On a No Boys Allowed women’s retreat–a pole dancing beach retreat nonetheless!! HA. As you may know if you read my 5 Random facts About Me blog post one time, one of my favorite things is pole dancing. It is so beautiful and athletic and I could go on for days about it. Well I am so excited for the retreat.

I have been updating my pinterest board with vegan shoes quite regularly. There are a few cool vegan sandal options on there inspired by HAVAII.

Today I was reading one of my fave things online ROOKIE magazine (a magazine for teen girls) when I saw someone asking a question about vegan shoes. Though I normally do not get involved in self promotion, I decided to tell this fellow vegan shoe lover about my pinterest board in the comments.
While I was there I noticed another commenter being like “vegan shoes are highly toxic and bad for the environment. So is fake fur. People think animals are treated badly and killed in horrible ways on fur farms but that is just not true. Furs are worth less if the animals aren’t kept in good condition…so it’s worth it to the fur farms to treat their animals well.”
I felt I had to comment! I almost didn’t cause I was thinking how can I possibly express how wrong this person is. They prob won’t even accept my comment.” Well, I decided I had to give it a go anyway. One can make a difference.
I calmy wrote that what she said was not true. Most animals are anally electrocuted and go crazy in the cages and chew off eachother’s limbs and what not. I told her to watch The Witness— a great documentary I saw online (wrote about it here) about a man whose love for his cat caused him to see the connection between cats and animal and try to make a difference by educating people about what goes on at fur farms by driving around in a van with footage from fur farms playing out the back, forcing people to witness the truth.
I also told her to watch earthlings.
Anyway, YAY for me. I spoke up for animals. I hope some teen girls read that and it gets to them.
If you want to learn more about animal rights my humble recommendations are …check out 269 life and follow Anita Krajnc, both on facebook!
Do you ever respond to people who try to knock veganism, or vegan shoes, or animal rights? Or do you prefer not to get involved and let their ignorance reveal itself. I always feel releived when people respond to those haters in the comments, but I know it is a rough role as they are attacked themselves. What do you do?
Feel free to comment any time and let me know if you ever attend vegan drinks!