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PETA’s Shock Tactics and Some Fun Pics of Scandolous Vegans,%20TX-%203.JPG

Hi guys,

What do you all think about PETA?

I think they are great. I love their attention getting ploys. I find them hilarious and truly attention getting, which is the point. I love that they care enough to do what it takes to expose people in the street to vegetarianism and veganism. They shock people out of their complacency, similar, in fact, to Socrates of ye olde Ancient Greece.

They called Socrates “the Gadfly” because he was constantly, annoyingly, stinging people out of their old ways of thinking and routines and forcing them, with his intrusive questions as they tried to go about their business in the agora, to stop and think about how they were living their lives.

He eventually was put on trial and put to death for this, because people hated to be stopped to think. They wanted to go about their lives, eating bacon, eating Christmas ham, Thanksgiving turkey, the Pesach Lamb, Mcdonalds, KFC , wearing their fabulous fur and awesome leather boots, carrying their designer handbags, and eating their boneless chicken breast and the like.

Indeed! Peta is the gadfly of the animal rights world.

I love looking at their campaigns in which they employ attractive women to stop men in their tracks and get them thinking about vegetarianism.

Peta made this statement when they launched a XXX website this June about their unusual methods:

PETA’s mission is to put an end to animal suffering, and we use every available opportunity to spread this message we always have, and we always will. Unfortunately, this is not always an easy task. Unlike our opposition, which is mostly made up of wealthy industries and corporations, PETA must rely on getting free “advertising” through media coverage.
It’s a safe bet that many visitors to didn’t set out to learn about how animals are mercilessly slaughtered on today’s factory farms; understandably, such topics are convenient to ignore. That’s why PETA must make our message impossible to forget—and launching a website with a .xxx domain name is one way that we can achieve that goal.
But I know a lot of animal lovers who hate their methods… Your thoughts?

Whilst looking for pictures of their campaigns online, I saw they had a girl on girl world tour in which two girls in valentine’s day bikinis lay on a bed kissing and scandalizing the neighborhood. HA!

And now,

Enjoy or perhaps be annoyed by, some pictures of some memorable PETA campaigns below:

Costume win!


Vegankit and I Think You Should Read the Book The Midnight Fox, by Betsy Byars

A commenter by the name of Avia sent me a link to this site…

First of all I so appreciate people sending me links and vegan shoes they have found and even commenting. I read so many blogs that I never comment on, so it takes a special feeling of connection to get motivated to actually hit reply and it inspires me that you reach out to me, a stranger somewhere in the world wide web. So thank you, thank you thank you.
So this site, vegankit, is beautifully designed. With a ton of great info.

Also a ton of sad info. Which I hate to see, but always have to watch. For example, a video of cows waiting in the chute before they are slaughtered. I find this just…sad. Inhumane. Terrifying.

I feel it is like a nightmare, where you dream you’re about to die, and you know that’s what it would actually be like.

There is a picture of pigs on a truck. This is one of the most horrible sights I’ve seen in life. Lately I’ve just been feeling such a connection to pigs. I don’t know why. That probably sounds crazy., but I can just tell how intelligent they are. The pics is of their noses pressed up through the holes in the truck. Just sad.


A pig as pigs should be!!

Are people really so cruel that they could slaughter a pig or a cow. I find it disturbing, and it reminds me that the world is not always a happy place, no matter how hard I read self help books and think positive thoughts, and try to be grateful, and stay cheerful, hopeful and in a great mood.

: (

On the bright side, they truly have an excellent list of vegan shoe sources. Go there and learn many great things. There are some vegan stores listed that I really must check out myself and feature on this blog. Along with info on why one would choose not to buy leather in the first place.

My only criticism of this site is who in the hell made it? I need to put a face to a name. Where’s the story of the beautiful people who made this labor of love.

Speaking of happiness, do any of you read the blog The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin? She’s great, and I can’t wait to get her second book Happier at Home, hopefully today.

She loves to read, and every month she recommends 3 books, and 1 is a children’s literature book, which is one of her passionate loves. She recommended this children’s book called The Midnight Fox by Betsy Byars last month, and I totally loved it.

It’s a book about this boy whose parents send him to a relative’s farm while they’re on vacation for the summer, and at first the boy thinks it’s going to be so boring. But then he sees this fox on a long boring day in the woods. And unbeknownst to himself even, he is a true animal lover. He becomes obsessed with observing this beautiful, magical, incredible fox, that is until the fox steals a chicken for his fox cub, and the relatives who own the farm, get up in arms and decide to hunt down the fox.

Wow. The reason I mention this book is I feel this book can only be truly experienced and admired for what it is by a true animal lover. And if you’re reading this blog that’s probably you.

There’s this indescribable feeling that only animal lovers feel I think, where something like a close encounter with a fox is truly magical, fascinating, like a queen among men. I feel it with regular dogs on the street. My friend used to make fun of me for pointing out every dog on the street like it was something incredible. Well, only an animal lover understands why a dog is something incredible.

This book describes an experience I know I’ve had, of not only being transfixed by the beauty of something ANIMAL, but also of being unable to help an animal, when it’s life is being threatened by people who do not feel respect and kinship with animals. People who don’t think it’s a big deal to hunt, etc.

The book is a truly gripping and horrifying thriller for people like me, and I suspect you, even though it’s a kid’s book. And I won’t spoil the ending, but it’s great. And it’s also funny and beautifully written. I highly recommend this book!!!

Let me know if you check it out!