vegan boots

Vegan Chinese Laundry Over The Knee Boots

I’ve made another huge discovery lately about where to find cool vegan shoes online. If you have been following along with my blog, you know that for a long time the only way I believed I could find non leather shoes was by googling “vegan shoes” or something similar, which always gave me the same three sites. Of the three, I found that had the best selection, but that wasn’t saying anything much.

Recently I’ve been discovering that there are far more vegan shoe options out there than I ever realized. They are just hidden in the corners of the web, and for whatever reason, they are not coming up when you search for vegan shoes on google, or simply not marketed for vegans and vegetarians.

Well, my latest discovery is the Chinese Laundry website. They have some nice fashionable boots on there right now. What’s strange is they have a vegan line, under a vegan heading on their site, but they also designate other boots annd shoes in their other lines as “manmade” or “synthetic leather” in an easily visible way–right below the icon of the shoes when you’re scrolling through their products. I wonder what the difference between vegan and these options are….hmmm….I’ll have to get to the bottom of that.

Anyway, here is one example of a great boot I’d like to buy from their site:

Nirvana boot

Nirvana Boot

Manmade materials

In black and gray faux suede


WEll, unfortunately the Chinese Laundry site is very disorganised, but if you hunt around you can find some great vegan options. And while most of the shoes on their site are “unintentionally vegan”, they do have a vegan section, unlike aalmost every other store there is, which shows they are actually aware that people care about where there shoes come from and were idealistic enough to actually manufacture vegan shoes. So I think that’s pretty great, at least.

I’ll have to do some more research on their company, but for now, enjoy!!

What do you think of Chinese Laundry? Have you had luck getting shoes from them? Comment below.


How to Find Vegan Shoes on Amazon

I recently shared with you a tip for finding vegan shoes: search vegan shoes on amazon.

However, I’ve been discovering that “vegan shoes” can only take you so far on amazon. If the title or description of the shoe does not include the word “vegan shoe” then certain shoes made of all animal friendly materials will not be listed. I had to click around in the “items that look like this one” and people who viewed this one also viewd” sections to find more undiscovered vegan shoes.

Finally it seems I have hit on a great way of finding amazing vegan shoes on amazon. Simply search for the leading brands of vegan shoes and WOW, you will find more vegan shoes than you ever knew existed from looking at (if that’s the site you frequented most–like I did) and for heavily discounted prices.

To make things easier for you, I’ve linked to the top brands of designer vegan shoes. Have fun!

Cri de Coeur shoes on amazon. (There are 63 shoes listed)

Beyond Skin shoes on amazon (49 shoes listed)

Olsen Haus on amazon (55 shoes listed)

Let me know what you think? Which brand is your favorite? Comment below!