What Raw Foods Taught Me
I was thinking about veganism today. I have been doing a great job with being vegan. In fact, not being a vegan no longer even enters my mind.
It all has to do with raw foods I think.
I wanted to be a vegan for animal rights reasons, and I still cannot believe what goes on every day in the world of factory farming and farming in general not to mention labs, but for some reason it became so much easier to be a vegan once I started reading about how fruits and vegetables are the healthiest things for you.
Somehow this never sank in before when my mom told me that vegetables were good for me or whatever. I now WANT to be as healthy as possible–there are so many immediate benefits. Anyway, it’s just really cool to me how my priorities have shifted…I now feel like there are so many vegetables, so little time. I no longer feel like I have nothing to eat as a vegan.
It is a great perspective to have as a vegan I think. Luckily for us, not participating in a cruel system is also coincidentally extremely good for your bodily health.
I have been getting into the raw foods world, reading people’s transformational stories on their raw food blogs and what not. It is really a pretty cool world. I’ve gotten into sprouting sprouts because of it, and now I’m interested again in one of my first passions in life that has lain dormant for many years, gardening and growing plants from seeds.
If you want to start sprouting, get This sprouter! It is the best. And check out sproutpeople.org and Ann Wigmore, the sprouting guru.
I thought this article “Natural Health for the Not-So-Healthy” had a lot of good raw food resources in it. But start with Victoria Boutenko. If you’re interested, she will get you fired up. I feel like so many raw food transformations I’ve read about begin with reading her book Raw Family.
Victoria Boutenko (my fave).