2 New Online Resources for Vegan Shoes

I’ve recently discovered 2 great new places to find vegan shoe options that I’ll be adding to my guide “where to find cool vegan shoes online“, which, by the way, I think is the best article on the web about how to find vegan shoes that are actually nice looking and presentable. As you can see, I am proud of it! It has a lot of good info in there, so please feel free to forward to friends or any people who might find it useful!

Now onto the new meat– soy protein textured faux meat that is.

The new sites I have found are:

1. H&M’s online shoe section

Like Forever 21, H&M sells cheap stuff, so their shoes are mostly vegan. Weirdly, they only sell small sizes online. Unfortunately I’m a 10 -11, so this is not an option for me, but if you have smaller to average size feet, check this out if you need some shoes.

Here are some of my picks from the site:

I love these and really wish they came in my size.

$14.99 cotton and rubber wedges in 3 colors

very cool $ 15 dollars wedge sandals in blue, black and gold

There are a lot of other cool looking shoes on the site. I’ll be adding this one to my Vegan Shoe Shopping Guide always available at the top of my website.

2. Gojane.com

This is a website, kind of like Lulus.com, or Delias. They seel cheap stuff, and cheap vegan shoes too. I like their options a lot. They have cool styles. This is a great place to check.

Here are some cool styles I spotted:

striped bow front espadrille wedge

striped espadrilles, $ 25.00


a ballerina flat in a very simple style, for $ 12.


floral heels, my favorite looking shoe. for $ 21.


If for whatever reason, you need to be partying in da club, then maybe you’ll find these useful. Hot!

What think ye all of these?


  1. Rebekah says:

    I can see myself wearing the blue sandals, possibly the black flats.

    Here’s a question: I’m looking for vegan shoes made in the USA or Canada, and aside from Mohops and a few canvas options on Etsy, I’m striking out. Any ideas?

    I’m also interested in USA-made vegan bags, clothes, and cosmetics, should you bump into any.

    • marthaflatley says:

      thanks for commenting! I like the blue sandals as well. I will be on the look out for vegan shoes made in the us and canada. i do know one thing which is that there are very few if ANY (bizarrely enough) shoe factories in the us. Most shoe production is over seas in china, india, south america etc… I have been researching this myself trying to see if I could manufacture vegan shoes myself. but i will definitely keep my eyes out. A lot of the vegan shoe companies like OlsenHaus, beyond skin, and neuara pay close attention to where their shoes are made…I forget exactly what I read about them, but I know they talk about how their shoes are made on their websites. I will look into that and try to do a post about it. an interesting query!!

      • Rebekah says:

        I knew most clothing was made in sweatshops overseas, but I didn’t realize how few American shoe companies there were until recently. Shoes that are both American AND vegan AND cute? Hard to come by. No luck so far, but I hope you can come up with something. Thanks!

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