STILL Fruitarian! : Benefits I Have Experienced on a Fruitarian, Low Fat Raw Vegan Diet

Pascal Campion

Hi guys!

I am back from Japan and China.

It was a very interesting experience and so fun to hang out with my family who I went with.

There was one point of tension on the trip though. My fruitarianism.

So yeah, if you don’t know, I have been experimenting with fruitarianism, or low fat raw veganism, or basically eating ONLY fruits and vegetables.

When I left for my vacation, I had been a fruitarian for about 3 weeks.

I had been experiencing amazing benefits. My fitness had magically jumped to a whole new level. It was like I was a different person. I could do pushups easily. My strength, without strength training at all, was like…someone else’s strength. I was suddenly fitter…no doubt about it. It was incredible.

At my dance class, it was like I was the most popular one there. All of a sudden people were like “how DOES she do that!” It was awesome.

My skin had also cleared up. I had no breakouts.

I had also lost a lot of weight. My shorts were falling off…quite literally. (a humorous experience).

People were whistling at me on the street.

I also had more energy. Like instead of feeling exhausted after my dance classes, I was like, I think I’ll walk back today. And I would speed walk.

I was also beginning to enjoy eating fruits and vegetables.

For example, peaches are in season. I was eating like 15 ripe peaches a day. Plus some plums and apricots and nectarines (also in season).

You feel like you are enjoying summer when you eat that many ripe peaches. You feel a connection TO summer.

However it’s not all peaches and summertime.

Let’s face it, although there are a lot of great benefits of being a fruitarian, there is a high, very high, excruciatingly high, some might say, cost.

You have to give up ALL food. Except fruits and vegetables, which most people rarely eat anyway.

It’s hard in the beginning. There’s a lot to learn suprisingly. I had to learn how to track my calories in order to get ENOUGH calories. You have to learn to eat literally laughable quantities of fruits. (for example i took a ridiculous bag of 10 bananas and ten oranges on the plane to China). You have to learn how to always have huge quantities of fresh fruit at the ready. You have to learn what a ripe fruit is because you soon learn it’s impossible to eat large volumes of unripe fruits. You have to learn how to fit in so much eating in one day. You have to learn how to deal with people thinking you’re crazy. (Vegetarians and vegans are pretty used to that though).

Probably hardest of all is giving up your love for food as you know it.

It really is like breaking up with someone you love. You know it’s for the best, but it’s hard to accept sometimes. It’s hard to move on.

Slowly, however, the feelings of loss become more vague and distant. And when one door closes another door opens. A new life opens for you. A different one.

Fruitarians believe that a fruit based diet is our natural diet, meaning, the diet humans are designed to eat.

Because of how well eating this way has worked for me, I think I agree.

I believe a vegan diet (specifically a vegan diet of only fruits and vegetables (and some nuts and seeds) ) IS our natural diet.

If you are a vegan, and you are interested in taking a wild ride into unprecedented levels of health I suggest you try Low Fat Raw Veganism or 80/10/10/

On my vacation I stopped being full on fruitarian but I was still vegan. Now that I am home I am so excited to have access to so much fruit. I’m doing this for the indefinite future.

Would you ever try fruitarianism as a further step into veganism? Your thoughts?



  1. Kristin says:

    So cool to hear your thoughts on fruitarianism! My worry would be eating enough to have enough energy to operate like normal me, so I guess I’d just have to suck up my weirdness and carry bags of fruit with me wherever :) I love it.

    • admin says:

      hahaha. i have been using the tag #olfruitbags on instagram, referring to myself. Can’t wait to see what you have in store for your blog. xoxoxo

  2. Kim says:

    Just got the 80/10/10 book :) And I’ve been taking your advice about watching Freelee the Banana Girl (she’s super inspiring). I really appreciate that you talked about how your energy levels skyrocketed because that is really exciting to me :)

    • admin says:

      oh my gosh. prepare to have your life changed as it changed mine. it’s amazing how much energy you will feel once you start eating more fruit. Every time I eat like 3 bananas now it is like I am zipping around the house, thinking about pushups, exercizing, speed-walking…which is totally bizarre for me. I think most people think of me as a low energy person, but my energy is pooling up for sure and I have even been having thoughts of taking up running again, something I thought I had given up forever. ha! freelee is the person who really got me motivated. I want to do a post about the hilarious controversies in the fruitarian youtube world. it’s so funny. my latest favorite is “the fruitarian” who has started WINNING marathons since he became fruitarian…like major marathons. So yeah your energy will definitely increase. Keep me updated! I feel like the day I got 80/10/10 was the first day of the rest of my life.

  3. Noah says:

    I worked on an organic farm for two months through WWOOFF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms) and my host gave me 80/10/10. It blew my mind! So they started buying my tons of fruit and thus I ate a diet consisting heavily of fruit. Aww, felt so good. It actually inspired me to write this rap about fruit. I have it up on youtube:

    • admin says:

      Oh my gosh, that is awesome. Can you send me the link to your rap? I need to see it. Thanks for your comment!

  4. Kirsty says:

    I think it’s awesome… It’s really wonderful that fruitarians eat what is our natural diet… It amazes me that people are sometimes so almost outraged at the vegan choice.. Yet if someone eats at McDonalds everyday it is more acceptable! I have had a history with low mood and yo yoing energy etc… And am really convinced this lifestyle is the solution to most health issues in the west… The best evidence we have is that there are literally no overweight animals in the wild! Ironically the only overweight animals are our pets.. As we feed them our leftovers! Shows that our diet needs to change xx can’t wait to feel better on this lifestyle! Kirsty

    • admin says:

      thanks kirsty! I am :DD right now thinking about your comment. I so agree. Thanks for the support! Let me know how it goes for you. DO you have a youtube channel or blog? You should! Let me know if you have one or start one :DD

  5. taniaaaa says:

    i soooooooo agree with you!! i tried it and i felt such a deep connection with nature and the beauty of it, the nind is clear, everything is perfect, no troublkes,,,peace, its paradise…no doubt its the real human diet is meant to be…i just had problems with the money….and ppl thought i was crazy, but i learned you must follow what u belive in,..and be your true self, others should respect that…and if they dont wanna experience heaven its thir loss, this is evolution…the world will slowly catch up, but never forget that you are just evolving before them, you are following your heart, and have a deeper concience, thats all, the rest doesnt have to understand, the proof is unevitable,,the results will explain it to them….i am very happy for you and i wish u the best….love

    • admin says:

      Wow, loved reading your comment. Thank you!!! You’re so right. So glad you experienced the same! What are you doing now? I’m trying to be 100% raw again and loving it again. It’s easier this time around too, though that’s not to say it’s easy lol. It’s not easy ever but not as hard as before! xoxoxx

  6. Maggie says:

    I ‘ll try it! Starting from today. What the heck? Better fruitarian than unhealthy as I am feeling now. Great article by the way. You give motivation!

    • admin says:

      join the group “vegan fruitarians” on Facebook for motivation! Remember to eat enough, read 80/10/10 and you will experience things you never have before. I am thinking of getting back into it myself as I’ve been eating more cooked food lately. <3

  7. Indrek Nõgu says:

    Thank you for sharing :)
    Have experienced similar sensations, situations :)
    What i love the most about fruits is – that you will get full-filled, in one point you just lose your appetite for more and you still feel good although you just ate 8 bananas :D But with cooked food i rarely feel when its time to stop and i still want more… And how fast food is digested and energy is provided… sometimes i feel this warm sensation of energy flowing into my body through stomach :) But yes my journey has been slow and gradual, i have not forced myself into eating in a way i do currently… its more like i just can’t eat otherwise…
    Wit love…

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