Thoughts on Freedom

I listened to this audiotape today from a dating guru. She is the archenemy of The Millionaire Matchmaker, Patti Stanger, because this person is a real matchmaker, whereas Patti is …insane.

The dating guru (April Beyer is her name) has an audio series you can buy called Smart, Sexy, Soulful dating. I held out for months (reading her blog) but finally was like I need to know the secrets.

I listened to them today.

The first secret seemed to be… basically everyone is hiding themselves and that is ruining their love life. You don’t have to change yourself, you just have to stop pretending to be something you’re not, hiding who you are, or not being upfront about who you are. You could be the perfect match for someone but no one would ever know, because you won’t reveal your true self.

She made it seem like if you don’t stop hiding who you are, you will never find love.

Is there anything more motivating then “do what I say or you will never find love”?


Tonight I decided to post an artsy picture I had made with tons of photo filters …of me pole dancing on instagram. It took me like an hour to think about if I should post it. Then my hand did it for me. But then five minutes later, I had second thoughts and I decided to delete it.

pole dancing 2

Then I thought about how April Beyer said that if you don’t reveal who you are, you will never find love.


I decided NOT to delete it.

In that moment I had a thought.

I was like, I really want to just never think about the whole army of possibly disapproving instagram followers again.

Once and for all, I just wanna


I felt like I could delete it, and always think about what everyone might think of me…over and over…with every step I take. Every breath I take…every move I make…

Or I could just never think about it again.

Break through that invisible curtain of whispering voices.

And just

Be free from it all.

Do what I want.

Never think about offending someone with who I am again.

April Beyer says, my love life depends on it, which is I know what gave me the sudden motivation.

I gotta find love one day.

Have you ever heard this quote:

“One should as a rule respect public opinion in so far as is necessary to avoid starvation and to keep out of prison, but anything that goes beyond this is voluntary submission to an unnecessary tyranny, and is likely to interfere with happiness in all kinds of ways.”

― Bertrand Russell

I feel like I kind of had a realization tonight.

It’s really important to not listen to anyone’s opinion but your own.

That’s my feeling.

Listen to one well meaning person, and your dreams are crushed.

I feel at some point we all need to take a stand and decide to be “you” no matter what anyone else says.

Maybe your stuff you create will suck, but at least some person will be able to find your body of work and perhaps laugh at the irony of how hard you’re trying and how bad your stuff is—and they’ll appreciate you for that.

I know I would.

Is this about animal rights? Not really.

But I guess it’s about Freedom. And so is animal rights.

Thanks to “seeing the ghosts”, freedom became one of my values, and deeply meaningful to me.

Now I understand–To enslave anything is repulsive. Many don’t see that animals are still enslaved.

But are you still enslaved? Are you truly free?

To be truly free you have to make the decision to be who you are and do what you want to do.

You have to stop caring about what others think.

Maybe that is the final step to being truly free.

What do you guys think? 




  1. Kelly says:

    I think you are beautiful , intellegent & wonderful . Thank you for sharing YOU

  2. susan says:

    Totally agree! Brilliant insight.. glad you discovered this before 50.. lol.. love mom

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