New Vegan Shoes and a Tumblr that will Open Your Eyes through Art
April 29th, 2013
I added some more vegan shoes on pinterest today.

vegan go go boots

white converse high tops.

vegan birkenstocks because I have really been reminiscing about my old pair. They were so comfortable, and incredibly real birkenstocks for all their hippie-ness, are not at all vegan.

These little babies. Converse! Pretty cool right?

Some nice classic “thongs”.
Anyway check em out on my vegan shoes pinterest board!
After you have done that, turn your mind to more troubling matters.
Check out this blog by an unknown tumblrist: I Have Seen Another World.
Through pictures and dreamy captions….it tells a story of a war.
All of a sudden you see it as a war…that’s going on right now…and has been going on for thousands of years…against our fellow earthlings.
It’s incredible. This blog really opened my eyes. Wish I knew who created it. I recognized many of the photos on it as Jo-Anne McArthur’s.
Check it out, and check out the Holocaust Comparison Project by David Sztybel if you didn’t already. It is very ….interesting.