Vegan Bags, A Cat Family, and a Raw Vegan Update

Hello everyone,
It is me, the artist formerly known as marthaflatley.
So I am now blogging at (FYI)
A little update: I’m still going strong with the whole raw vegan thing.
I have slipped up a couple of times but I think I am beginning to see fruit and vegetables as legitimate sources of food, which can only be a good thing.
It’s funny, I used to look at the produce section and feel like it was plastic food almost. Who could eat all those vegetables. Now I can imagine eating all of them.
I’m really excited that my fitness and strength are increasing and my energy levels seem to be pooling up like water in a deep dark pool of water. Like a lake. (I have been yearning to go back on vacation to a large body of water)

There is one interesting side effect as well. Weight Loss.
I’m losing weight for the first time ever, basically. And yet, it is kind of a tortured feeling because I know the moment I stop my diet the weight loss will disappear and I’ll go back to my normal size.
I almost wish I was not losing weight. So I would not have to worry about false hope.
Have you ever had this fear? What if you lose weight and you attract someone attracted to a thin person…but then you gain weight…going back to your normal size and they are no longer attracted to you.
“So much for true love.” -Ursula the Sea Witch
There are so many disturbing thoughts for me centered around weight loss.
At least I know I am not doing anything unhealthy to lose weight, but simply following a species specific diet for humans of fruits and vegetables and a few nuts.
It makes me think also….did my body always somehow crave this food? And was I denying my body the right fuel it needed to function properly?
Whatever though. I was pretty healthy before.
Anyway…. I have some cool new vegan shoes and bags on my pinterest board! I added a pinterest feed to the site so you can see the latest 25 vegan shoe pins by clicing the pinterest tab on my site.
(some stuff on my pinterest board Cool Vegan Shoes)
And yes I realize these aren’t shoes….but cool I hope and vegan I know.

Have you guys found any cool vegan finds?